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A Customer Success Story from Northern Dock Systems

201 Dock Seals Before Installations Mississauga Warehouse Manufacturing201 Dock Seals After Installations Mississauga Warehouse Manufacturing

Project Overview

Our new client Lafert North America in Mississauga, Ontario didn’t have any dock seals. As trucks were frequently backing into the facility to unload shipments, they noticed there were huge gaps around the door which resulted in energy loss.

201 Adjustable Curtain Dock Seals

After reaching out to Northern Dock Systems, our Project Manager was able to assist and have technicians on-site to install three 201 Adjustable Curtain Dock Seals. As a result, the dock seals fixed the issue of the gaps around the door allowing, Lafert North America to save money and decrease its energy consumption.

Keep Contamination Out

The 201 Dock Seals are an affordable option to create airtight seals between the building and trailer for door openings up to 10′ W x 12′ H. Also, this product offers adjustable split head curtains that can easily be pulled into place from inside the building once the trailer is in place. This durable, abrasive-resistant fabric can be used to cover the resilient foam pads to create a tight seal against insects, pests, harsh weather, white light, and moisture.

Save Energy, Save Money

In addition to the improved contamination protection, our client was able to participate in the Energy Rebate and Incentives Program giving them a one-time energy savings rebate of 71% off their dock seals.

Not only did our customer receive a one-time rebate, but the installation of the dock seals gave them the financial benefit of continuous annual energy savings along with increased operational efficiency from comfortable indoor temperatures and happy workers.

No Spill, No Slip, No Hospital Trip 

Also because of these new dock seals, employees near loading docks are working in a safer work environment. Dock seals prevent slips and falls from moisture build-up around the docks along with protection against unlawful entry and security from stolen products.

Happy Employees Create Happy Customers 

After the completion of the 201 Adjustable Curtain Dock Seals, the customer was extremely happy with the installation alongside learning about the additional benefits received by Northern Dock Systems and their staff.

One-Time Energy Rebate for Dock Seals
Energy rebates available

Discover Your Energy Rebates, Annual Savings and ROI

Get energy rebates in select areas of Ontario, Alberta and BC. Contact us today to begin the process! We’ll calculate your one-time energy rebate, ongoing energy savings and return on investment.


Mississauga, ON

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