Northern Dock Systems is kick-starting the new year with our biggest announcement yet: asset management. Introducing…

AccuTrak is our highly customized asset management software that will be available some time soon in 2018. In a nutshell, AccuTrak will help us to better understand your business needs, ensure our solutions are aligned with your budgetary requirements, minimize return calls, and prevent foreseeable issues.
While our teams continue to work hard to sort out the details before our official launch, we’re eager to introduce all the advantages of our asset management software that will be available to all our customers, including:
1. Documenting findings
We will be documenting all our findings from site visits with even more accuracy and detail including measurements, product specifications, product condition and amounts spent per store, per product. All service calls will also be logged for historical data.
✓ Product specs/condition ✓ Historical data ✓ Cost breakdown ✓ Logged service calls
2. Faster work order reviews
With detailed documentation and easy information retrieval, we’ll be completely eliminating unnecessary site re-visits, their associated costs and any possible delays in getting repair work started. Reviewing historical information on services and product condition will prove to be even more beneficial for our two specialities: root cause discovery and first-time fixes.
✓ Eliminating site re-visits and costs ✓ Minimizing delays in beginning work
✓ Easy information retrieval ✓ Root cause discovery ✓ First-time fix
3. Accurately forecasting budgets
We always believe in working with our customers to work within their budgetary requirements. Our detailed documentation of equipment condition, risks and associated costs now help us to make fact-based decisions on prioritizing repair work per store, per piece of equipment with the added benefit of AccuTrak asset management.
✓ Fact-based equipment repair prioritization ✓ Work within budgetary requirements
4. Keeping track of your due diligence for auditors
All our documentation is great proof to show auditors and safety inspectors you have done your due diligence in ensuring safety for your customers, workers and/or products.
✓ Worry-free audits backed up with documented proof
5. Receiving real-time information, anywhere
Northern Dock Systems’ technicians remain connected with our online systems while on-site for faster service, documentation logging and information retrieval at all times, even on the go.
✓ Real-time information ✓ Remote access
We look forward to better serving you this year: stay tuned for the official launch of our AccuTrak asset management software!