Project Overview
The old mechanical docks at this warehouse in Carstairs Alberta had been scabbed together with different parts and hold-downs from multiple repairs in the past from other companies. As a result, these mechanical docks with replaced parts were operating poorly.
Converting Mechanical Docks to Hydraulic
Since the mechanical docks were likely to break down again because of all the moving parts, springs and hold-down mechanisms; Northern Dock Systems proposed converting these docks to hydraulic with Hydraulic Conversion Kits.
We converted four of their mechanical docks to hydraulic. Each of the dock pits was cleaned and the spring assemblies were removed. Then each dock was outfitted with a new hydraulic power pack and cylinders.
Lower Maintenance Costs
Since hydraulic docks levelers do not have springs, hold-down mechanisms or other highly wearable parts, they will lower maintenance costs by up to 91% for this Albertan warehouse.
Easy and Safe Operation
In addition, hydraulic docks are safer and simpler to operate. They can be operated with a simple push of the button on the new control panel. On the other hand, mechanical dock levelers can risk injury to workers because they would need to bend over to engage the dock or risk falls when walking down the dock.
Hydraulic Dock Conversions
The new hydraulic conversion kits on this Albertan warehouse’s old mechanical docks will give them a second life with years of trouble-free, low maintenance and safer operation.