Eliminate wet floors, damaged product and protect your employees from exterior temperatures with a complete Rain-Shield Solution
Company: Revlon
Province: Ontario
Revlon was facing consistent issues from rain, snow and trailer debris entering the building during loading and unloading processes.
The original dock seal headers were unable to create a proper seal around the top of the trailer. This meant any rain or snow outside would enter the facility and create an instant safety concern. Once a trailer was docked, the snow, ice or water on top would be able to pour inside without any resistance.
Northern Dock Systems installed the Nordock Rain-Shield solution overtop of the dock doors to provide a tight seal along the top of the trailer beds.
With the trailer properly sealed – Revlon eliminated any concerns about wet floors, damage product or exposing employees to exterior temperature exposure. The headers also helped reduce debris and insects from entering.
The Rain-Shields also provide a universal solution to seal different trailer heights. Now Revlon can accept trailers tops that are 12’0″ to 13’6″ off grade at any equipped dock door.