Project Overview
The original rolling steel door was in very poor shape and was not working at Coordinate Industries Ltd in Oakville. When the rolling steel door finally broke, it came down like a guillotine. Luckily there were no employees underneath when it came down. Consequently, this Oakville manufacturing plant, knew that it needed to get a safer solution installed.
So they reached out to Northern Dock Systems, to find the right solution for them. For this large 23’ 6’’ x 22’ 10’’ opening at this manufacturing plant, a high-speed rubber door would be the perfect fit.
The heavy duty direct drive rubber doors, come with a built-in light curtain in the tracks. Improving safety so that door will not close on any person, vehicle or object that might be in the doorway.
Additionally, these rubber doors require less maintenance than rolling steel doors. Its springless direct drive design means that there are fewer moving parts that could break.
Finally, these doors are easy to operate with a push of a button or transmitter. We programmed the door and set limits on the remotes so the door opens only 15’ for forklift traffic. However, when they are getting deliveries from trucks, the door is able to fully open.