Northern Dock Systems is on tour this month to help educate students in Ontario about future job opportunities with our service and sales divisions.
Featured schools this month include Durham College (Feb 2), Seneca College (Feb 4) and George Brown College (Feb 9) with more to follow.
At @durhamcollege today for a career fair. #inspire #successmatters #career Stop by + learn about job opportunities
— NorthernDockSystems (@Northerndock) February 2, 2016
We are at @SenecaCollege talking about immediate job openings and opportunities. #senecacareerfair #york #careers
— NorthernDockSystems (@Northerndock) February 4, 2016
We are excited and honoured to visit with students from these schools and showcase the many opportunities that await after these students graduate.
We pride ourselves on hiring the best and brightest from across North America and continue to train and educate once employed. Our sales and service departments continue to get educated on products, safety and services each month in addition to team building activities.
Looking for a career that offers more than just a 9-5? Want to challenge yourself and others? Looking to make a positive impact? Check out our career section today.