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A Customer Success Story from Northern Dock Systems

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Project Overview

The dock seals at Good Water Warehouse in Calgary had worn down prematurely. This Calgary warehouse reached out to Northern Dock Systems to replace them. 

The Root Cause of Prematurely Worn Dock Seals

After completing a site check to get the correct measurements, our Project Manager determined that the dock seal was worn down prematurely because of the crushed and worn dock laminate dock bumpers. As a result, there was a loss of projection and the dock seal was over-compressed. Additionally, there was a void behind the dock bumper which is why the old bumpers were being crushed. 

The void behind the dock bumper had caused it to warp, which lead to the dock seal being overcompressed and worn.

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Extending the Lifespan

In order to prevent the new dock seals from getting over-compressed, we resolved the underlying issue of filling the void. So the new steel face dock bumpers would not be warped from the void over time. Steel face dock bumpers have a floating steel faceplate that extends the bumper’s lifespan. They can withstand frequent impacts in heavy traffic situations.

The new adjustable head curtain dock seal has 4” wear pleats to provide three layers of protection from wear and tear. At the same time, the yellow guide strip makes it easier for drivers to back into the position.

warehouse calgary adjustable head curtain dock seal 201 after guide strip wear pleats steel face dock bumper

Corner Flaps to Block the Gaps

Additionally, we added corner flaps that cover the gap around the bumpers. This Calgary warehouse has already seen the difference this makes because it has blocked snow from coming in through the doors.

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Calgary, Alberta

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