Allow your employees to work faster with a high-speed door system. Eliminate the need to wait for a door to open with high-speed fabric doors.
Company: IHL
City: Woodbridge, Ontario
IHL needed to secure and control access to exterior and interiors doors. This would prevent customers from accessing secure areas from inside or outside the store.
Installing 4 Superseal High-Speed interior doors and 1 TNR High-speed springless rubber door, employees can move between spaces faster. This allows employees to access product on demand and preventing delays to customers.
To streamline access through the doorway, a motion sensor was positioned inside the secure area to allow employees hands-free access. A keypad on the other side of door was installed for security preventing customers entering or potential theft.
In the receiving area, a high-speed rubber door was retrofitted to increase door speeds, prevent loss temperature and preventing wasted energy use.