A Customer Success Story from Northern Dock Systems

Position 1


Position 2


Project Overview

Aging and Unsafe Dock Leading to Build Damage

Roots Canada warehouse in Toronto had several challenges with their existing loading dock infrastructure:

  • Aging Infrastructure: The original loading dock frames were showing signs of wear, with the frames beginning to rot and hydraulic components starting to fail, posing reliability concerns.
  • Unsafe Dock Height: Dock 2 had a 24” height and a 6’ x 8’ dock, creating an excessively steep slope for loading and unloading. This steep incline was not only inefficient but also presented serious health and safety hazards.
  • Wall Damage: The lack of proper bumpers at Dock 2 led to damage to the building wall. Additionally, the dock seals had worn out, further compromising the building’s protection from weather and external factors.


Worn dock seals and aging dock



Wall damage from no dock seals and a short dock leveler

A Loading Dock Redesign

To address Roots Canada’s concerns about the loading dock, a comprehensive solution was implemented.

A new dock pit was installed at position 2, extending its length to 10 feet from the original 8 feet. This adjustment significantly reduced the slope, making the loading and unloading process safer and more efficient.


Longer and safer dock leveler

Upgraded Hydraulic Dock

Position 1 received a complete upgrade with a new Blue Giant Hydraulic Dock Leveler and a fresh Head Curtain Dock Seal, ensuring both reliability and better protection for the building’s structural integrity.

Hydraulic loading docks can easily be controlled with a single push-button control.


Single Push-Button Controls

Bollards and Dock Seals to Prevent Wall Damage

Bollards were added at position 2 to safeguard the building wall, preventing any further damage during loading and unloading activities. Additionally, new Blue Giant Head Curtain Dock Seals were installed, improving energy efficiency and protecting the building from weather elements.

A Safer and More Efficient Loading Dock for Years to Come

As a result, Roots Canada’s Toronto warehouse can now boast:

  • Enhanced Safety: The reduced slope and additional safety features like bollards have lowered the risk of accidents and injury.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: The new dock designs support smoother and more efficient loading/unloading operations.
  • Long-Term Durability: The installation of new hydraulic components, dock seals, and bollards has extended the life of the docks and improved the overall reliability of the facility.

This solution not only addressed immediate safety and functionality concerns but also provided long-term value for the customer’s operations


New Blue Giant Head Curtain Dock Seals and Bollards



Toronto, ON

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