While Labour Day is currently happening, Northern Dock Systems will have a change in office hours starting September 4th until Sept 8th, 2015.

Please note our 24/7 Emergency Service phone number will be available everyday by calling 1-866-601-1758. More information about emergency services can be found here.

Date Office Hours Emergency Service
September 4, 2015 Open 8:00am-5:00pm 24 Hour Availability
September 5, 2015 Closed 24 Hour Availability
September 6, 2015 Closed 24 Hour Availability
September 7, 2015 Closed 24 Hour Availability
September 8, 2015 Open 8:00am-5:00pm 24 Hour Availability

Northern Dock Systems would also like to wish all our customers, website visitors and families a safe and happy long weekend.

Second Annual Team Building Event Was A Success