Project Overview
Northern Dock Systems’ New Construction and Design team worked with Claybar Contracting and NEBO Ultrawash for the design, turnkey supply and installation of overhead doors for both the mechanical and electrical scopes of work. We installed eight aluminum framed sectional overhead doors with MR-10 Lexan Glazing on all exterior entrance and exit doors, two rolling steel fire doors and one rolling steel service door.
Wash Down Rated Overhead Doors
In the carwash bays, the two exit doors were interlocked and programmed to work in coordination with the car wash system, allowing the doors to open and close based on a predetermined location of the vehicle.
Additionally, these doors have been outfitted with our high-performance Springless Safedrive system along with a complete upgraded carwash package. This package included NEMA-4 rated systems, powder-coated tracks, hardware, hinges and barrel assembly along with stainless steel non-rotating cables and 3” nylon rollers.
Wash Down Rated Powder-Coated Hinges and Nylon Rollers

High-Speed Springless Safedrive Doors
The springless SafeDrive operator eliminates the need for springs that inevitably would start to rust and corrode in a carwash application. This high-speed operator can open doors up to 24 inches per second which is 3x faster than traditional jackshaft operators. The high opening and closing speeds will help prevent the risk of steam freezing in the cold winter months. Another added benefit to the SafeDrive system is the design helps create a significantly lower maintenance system increasing the longevity of the doors and reducing the overall maintenance costs.
Springless Safedrive Operator

Safety for Overhead Doors
For safety, each door included a 6’0 high light curtain, reflective photo eye and safety edge to prevent the doors from accidentally closing on any cars that may be idling in the doorway.
Reflective Photoeye

Auto Detailing Doors
All other sectional doors on this project were outfitted with 100,000 cycle springs, track mount weather seal, double-end hinges and traditional jackshaft operators.
Completed as per Design
As a project that involved many details, requirements, door types and applications, our construction team worked hand in hand with Claybar Contracting and Nebo Ultrawash to ensure that the project was executed and completed as it was designed.
Jackshaft Operators and 100,000 Cycle Springs