Ontario Potato Distribution Logo

A Customer Success Story from Northern Dock Systems

Foam frame dock shelter 701 equipment installation
Foam frame dock seal 101 equipment installation

Project Overview

The current dock seals and shelters were badly worn at Ontario Potato Distributing Inc. in Alliston Ontario. As a result, they were not making a seal when the trailers were backed in. Additionally, there was a lot of heat loss being caused by these gaps in the seal.

By working with the local utility company, Northern Dock Systems was able to acquire a one-time energy rebate of $4,750 for Ontario Potato Distributing Inc. to replace their worn-out dock seals and shelters.

Therefore by replacing the seals with new stationary foam frame dock seals or L-pad foam frame dock shelters, we have sealed up the gaps at the doors when the trailers are there. In addition to the energy savings, these new docks seals and shelters will prevent rain, snow and other weather elements from entering the building.

One-Time Energy Rebate for Dock Seal and Shelter
Energy rebates available

Discover Your Energy Rebates, Annual Savings and ROI

Get energy rebates in select areas of Ontario, Alberta and BC. Contact us today to begin the process! We’ll calculate your one-time energy rebate, ongoing energy savings and return on investment.


Alliston, Ontario

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