Project Overview
During the winter, when the drive-in door was open it was extremely cold in the loading dock at this manufacturing plant in Peterborough. It made the area uncomfortable for people to work in, especially during the cold winter months.
This manufacturing plant reached out to Northern Dock Systems for a solution. We supplied and installed an air curtain to help block the air coming in through the drive-in when it was opened. Air curtains create a 90% seal to block outside air from coming inside. Which will keep the loading dock area warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
In addition, we worked with their local utility company to get them a one-time energy rebate to cover 33% of project costs. Furthermore, air curtains save 15-20 units of energy for every 1 unit consumed.
Before installation could begin on the air curtain, our technician needed to build a custom steel structure to support the new air curtain. After, completing a site check, it was discovered the current sliding wall would be unable to support the weight of the air curtain. Our technician custom steel structure using the ceiling supports to support this manufacturing plant’s new air curtain.
Custom steel structure to support air curtain.

The air curtain keeps out outside air and other contaminates.


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