Project Overview
When it was nighttime or early morning at this busy loading dock area, truckers would accidentally back into the railings and bollards. Since they were unable to see the obstructions because of the darkness and lack of light.
Northern Dock Systems provided them with a simple and cost-effective solution of 60 Superguide lights for their shipping and receiving area. The Superguide lights light up the area so drivers can see while they are docking trailers. As a result, these lights have improved safety, protected their railings and bollards while preventing accidents from occurring.
In addition to improving safety, these lights are made up of ultra-intense and long-lasting LEDs. The LED lights have a life expectancy of 100,000 hours of continuous use. As well as being long-lasting, they are energy-efficient as they use only 10% of the energy of incandescent light units. Also, they are shock, vibration and temperature resistant to withstand cold Canadian winters and tough environments.