Extend the life of your loading dock bay when you install high quality single or double steel face bumpers. Your loading dock investment will be extended when you choose a bumper to provide maximum protection.
Steel face dock bumpers protect our building, your dock seals and dock shelters.
Northern Dock Systems highly recommends you always install a bumper that will provide the maximum protection against wear and tear from daily impacts. It is common practice to always install bumpers with a proper extension away from the wall to ensure your dock seals and dock shelters are well protected.
Tips when choosing dock bumpers
• Request steel face bumpers when ever possible for maximum protection and durability
• Ensure they extend far enough away from your building to avoid damage to your shelters and seals
• Ensure the dock bumpers will mount securely to the existing structure or if additional mounting hardware will be recommended
• Ensure the bumper height will allow for the range of transport vehicles docking throughout the day
What happens when you install dock bumpers that do not meet your needs?
The difference between a traditional low use dock bumper and a bumper with additional steel face protection applied.
It is important to remember that if you install a dock bumper that is intended for medium or low use, you will see damage on both your dock shelters in addition to the dumpers themselves.
Once your dock bumpers starts to degrade, each trailer that docks will get closer to your building, your seals and shelters. It is easy to ruin your new seals and shelters if you fail to install steel face bumpers to provide maximum protection.