Control interior temperatures when you prevent exterior weather from entering the building.

Company: 5 Star Carwash
City: Toronto, Ontario


This busy Toronto car wash experiences continuous damage to the high-pressure hoses from freezing during the cold winter months. This damage directly impacted the site maintenance costs and also resulted in downtime and lost revenue when a bay had to be decommissioned. Committed to being a dependable stop for their customers, 5 Star Car Wash wanted to eliminate both the costly downtime and repairs with a better solution.


Northern Dock Systems installed 5 black vinyl roll up doors with custom high vis yellow wind load bars and removable hand cranks.

During the winter months, the doors can now be closed to prevent hoses from freezing and causing serious safety issues and downtime. These large 12ft x 10ft doors are also fitted with custom painted yellow high vis wind bars to prevent accidental impact from vehicles at night when closed.

Operating 24 hours a day, 5 Star Car Wash needed to be able to prevent accidental operation of the doors from customers or passersby when staff was not on site. To solve this concern, a removable hand crank is used to guarantee only employees can open or close the doors.

Create A Seal Against The Outside Temperatures
Saving Energy With HVLS Fans